Monday, May 29, 2006

A Subject That May Take a While (Part 4).

The final part. I promise. This involves no questions, only a comment with supplementary follow-up. Christians have it too good. That's the comment. Here's the follow-up--80% of the U.S. population is christian. I don't know what the percentage is around the world, but I'm sure it's astronomical. If you've taken any history course you know about the Crusades and the missions that have gone all around the globe converting people from every corner into Christians. "Jesus Christ saves! You'll certainly be going to hell without us! You're indigneous faith is crude, naive and just plain wrong! Have you never heard of Jesus? Dude died FOR YOUR FUCKING SINS!!! Did Buddha do that? No. That Hindu guy? No! Jesus did it! Get in on it! Fucking redemption! YEAH!!!"
I'm sure they use more words and are far more subversive with their language, but that seems to be about the gist of it. There's no sensitivity towards other beliefs or acknowledgement that other faiths might have something to offer. For instance, I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR the other day and the discussion was about the christian right. One example given as to the persistance of christians to continually push their beliefs was a function that the government had (I'm sorry for the vagueness, but I can't remember the actual event named) and they asked a Hindu priest to come and speak at it. The interviewee, the head of the religious studies dept. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said that the responsible parties within the government immediately got letters from "important" christian organizations protesting the decision to allow any religious figure other than a christian one to speak at such a function. Their argument was that, yes, other religions should be able to practice in the United States, but none should be given attention from the government other than christians. Because, you know, you can never have enough christians running around inside the government. You can look to Patrick Henry College for that. It's the first college designed solely for christian home schooled kids. What this college does is try to get these kids into government. No lie. That's their agenda. It's that easy. This school started in 2004. They have 200 students. Guess how many students they've gotten into the White House as interns? Well, 7% of the interns at the White House are from this school. That doesn't sound like a lot though. Well, that's more than any other school. Guess who has the second most amount of interns inside the White House? Fucking Georgetown. Yeah, you know, that really prestigious school.
Do they really need to keep pushing? What kind of an imperialistic mindset does it take to not stop until every single person in the world believes what you believe? Well, there was Hitler. He sought to make everyone believe the same as he. Now there's christians. There. It's out. Christians are the new Hitler. They don't like Jews. They have that in common. They're trying to take over the world. They've used violence in the past. There you go.
That's pretty much my argument. They have enough. Being christian is like rooting for the New York Yankees or Manchester United. They already have enough fans and they always win. It's no fun rooting for the guy you know is gonna win anyway. Root for Shinto, Hinduism, Buddhism, anything; just not christian. They have plenty of fans; I mean believers.
Oh, and Jesus was a Jew. Why isn't everyone just Jewish? Oh, and Jesus was an apocalyptist...I think I just made that word up. Anyway, what I mean is that Jesus believed that the final judgement was going to happen within his lifetime. Um, yeah, way to go christians. Two thousand years of fucking it up. Dude didn't even know when the end of the world was going to happen. I'm sorry, but if you're the son of God and you don't even know when the apocalypse is going to happen, are you really in the loop? Maybe his dad just didn't think he was up to the task. I don't know how else you explain the fact that he was, at the very least, 1,973 years off the mark. Yeah, your messiah is obviously the one to go with. Fucking idiots.

1 comment:

Susan Howson said...

I briefly thought about pursuing some sort of profession that involves me doing a bunch of research and coming up with a proof that Christianity is fake and retarded, but I bet it wouldn't make me feel any better. It would just be my life's work disregarded as blasphemous fiction by all those Jesus lovers. Poor old Dan Brown.