Saturday, May 20, 2006

THAT city

So you know THAT city; the one where people say that all they did there was drink because there was nothing left to do? I found myself staggering drunk around 5pm after the kids I was teaching left around 1pm. Then I realized the epitome of THAT town is Gorham, NH. I was at a bar dropping around 30 dollars of money I could spend on records or new shoes and yet I'm wasting my life at a place called The Red Parka Pub watching some shitty band play shitty covers slightly laughing at the seven dudes dressed up as pirates dancing. I was not a happy camper. Then I knew, I reside in THAT city. And the only thing I could think of was "Well, at least I'll have granola and yogurt for breakfast. So I got that going for me." I'll probably go hiking or running during the day which will be fun and fulfilling yet when night falls, I'll be plagued with the question that teenagers always skirt around. "What am I going to do tonight?"

Maybe something productive will happen. Maybe I'll meet the person of my dreams. Maybe I'll see a movie that I've never seen before. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be excited about living in college dorm like shithole. The shithole where people are pouring beers on themselves in the hallways and beer pong is being played until 2 in the morning. The one where everyone laughs a little too loudly and keeps checking their watch.

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