Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Runaways.

This is the best comic book I've read in a long fucking time, dude. I don't know if you're into comics or whatever, but man, this shit is intense. It's all about these six kids who found out their fucking parents ARE FUCKING SUPER VILLAINS. Yeah, if that isn't enough they all have powers too. One dude is all "master of logic and stratagems", one girl is an alien, one girl pulls a fucking staff out of her chest whenever she bleeds, one dude has mad scientist parents and uses their kick ass inventions for good, which is awesome. One girl though, man, SHE CONTROLS A FUCKING VELOCIRAPTOR...WITH HER FUCKING MIND!!! Holy shit, it's crazy. Oh, and there's this little girl that's in their group, she's like 11 or something, and she's a mutant.

There's this one part where you just see her standing their, all 11 and shit, and some dude cracks her over the head with a shovel. The girl just stares at him, her eyes and glowing, and she punches across a fucking city block. Dude, that girl is intense. Oh man, there are so many good parts, but I don't wanna ruin it for you.

Man, all I'm gonna say is that one of them is a fucking traitor. They left a letter for their parents (oh yeah, their own parents are trying to kill them. What the fuck!?!) saying they would never betray them. Don't worry though, you find out who it is. It's not like fucking Alias or some bullshit where nothing ever happens and nothing ever gets resolved. I hate that fucking show.

Anyway, these kids are all on the run, basically because no one believes that their parents are really evil; not to mention the fact that their parents pretty much have disciples or whatever in every major part of the city structure. That shit sucks. Can you imagine being a kid, finding out your parents are evil incarnate and then having to figure out how to fucking mentally control a goddamn dinosaur. Shit's crazy.

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