Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I am nothing short of amazed. I have a girlfriend who likes soccer and comics. Eat a dick, every girl I ever dated up until this point. Yeah, I'm immature or whatever. I guess that's what the rolling eyes have always meant. But that doesn't mean a fucking thing. Just because someone enjoys a sport that a bunch of meatheads say is for "fags" (good one, totally original) and enjoys a form of literature that isn't compounded with the pretensions of over-written authors trying harder to prove themselves, rather than make osmething worth fucking while. Seriously, don't fucking knock it. Comics and graphic novels are fucking amazing. You appreciate cinema, right. Yeah? You thought Starsky and Hutch was pretty funny, right? Yeah, same fucking thing, shithead. Words+pictures=some pretty good stuff sometimes. Give it a shot and stop beign a bunch of elitist assholes with nothing better to do than make yourselves feel better by making other people feel bad for liking funner shit than you. Butthole.

(This had nothing to do with soccer or D.C. United. My bad.)

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